Green tour Kyoto | travel information in JAPAN » 2012 » September

Kyoto life Blogs

GTK would like to introduce the real Kyoto life by GTK bloggers. Some of them migrated from their countries
to Kyoto, and want to share how to enjoy the Kyoto life. These blogs are quite useful for visiting Kyoto, and also
for people who hope to live in Japan.

Monthly Archives: September 2012

Exploring the origin of Kamo River

Exploring the origin of Kamo River

I have been living in Kyoto for 12 years, but there are still some places where I’ve never been to yet. […]

Bamboo fence repair

Bamboo fence repair

The bamboo grove is the popular site of Kyoto. Especially the bamboo at Arashiyama is familiar to Kyoto people […]

Salmon! Salmon!

Salmon! Salmon!

What do you think the photo above is? This is a painting which was painted about 150 years ago and is popular […]

GTK friends' blogs

Do you know Kyoto?
