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NOH Recital

  • June 10-2010
  • Chikako Takemoto
  • Kyoto

This is the noh recital information which one customer of c.coquet informed me.

The recital will be performed by non-Japanese performers who belong to Udaka Michishige Kongo school. It would be a nice time at the air-conditioned Kongo Noh Theater on June 12 Saturday (1:00pm~5:00pm). It’s free of charge.

先日、WiFi利用で時々来てくれるお客様から是非皆さんに知らせて、と頂いた外国人による能の発表会のお知らせです。6/12土曜日、金剛能楽堂で1pm~5pm まで。無料。

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