GTK would like to introduce the real Kyoto life by GTK bloggers. Some of them migrated from their countries
to Kyoto, and want to share how to enjoy the Kyoto life. These blogs are quite useful for visiting Kyoto, and also
for people who hope to live in Japan.
先日、今後の京都観光業界についての話し合いの席でご一緒させて頂いた(ジャーナルキョウトも置かせて頂いてる)寺町四条下がるのゲストハウス、KAOSAN Guest House Kyoto さんがされている、#smile_j […]
ジャーナルキョウトフランス語版の春号が出来ました! 印刷に回した後にまさか、日本がこんな大災害に遭うとは、、。この春、日本を訪れるフランス人観光客は少なくなるでしょう。 しかし、京都は元気である事、日本はまだまだ、そして […]
It has been a changeable weather in a few days in Kyoto. It ‘s like a winter with snow today and yesterd […]
Hiking report!
This is the hiking report of last Sunday. This tour started from Mt. Daimonji to Mt.Nyakuoji with the lecture […]
Kyoto Personal Guide, English Guided Tour, Organize your Whole Trip to Japan!
The Kyoto Ishuu Trail is a continuous trail.