GTK would like to introduce the real Kyoto life by GTK bloggers. Some of them migrated from their countries
to Kyoto, and want to share how to enjoy the Kyoto life. These blogs are quite useful for visiting Kyoto, and also
for people who hope to live in Japan.
If you want to have a break and relax while walking around Kyoto, I’d like to introduce one new cafe nea […]
It was a beautiful sunny Sunday yesterday. I have started a new morning routine on every Sunday. Look at the p […]
「白地草花絵扁壺」昭和14(1939)年頃 京都国立近代美術館蔵 GTK would like to introduce an upcoming exhibition at Takashimaya Mauseum whe […]
Where do you get a fresh water? Drink a tap water? Buy a bottle of mineral water? I usually draw water from s […]
What a lovely day today!! Sakura is in full bloom and weather is perfect. Today is the best day to enjoy and f […]
Kyoto Imperial Palace open days will start tomorrow according to schedule, April 6th. However, the events of g […]
Kyoto Personal Guide, English Guided Tour, Organize your Whole Trip to Japan!
The Kyoto Ishuu Trail is a continuous trail.