Green tour Kyoto | travel information in JAPAN » 2010 » October

Kyoto life Blogs

GTK would like to introduce the real Kyoto life by GTK bloggers. Some of them migrated from their countries
to Kyoto, and want to share how to enjoy the Kyoto life. These blogs are quite useful for visiting Kyoto, and also
for people who hope to live in Japan.

Monthly Archives: October 2010

Happy wedding!!

Happy wedding!!

Omedeto~~!!! Bon mariage!! Today I saw the happiest couple, Simon&Yumiko, in the world at Shimogamo Shrine […]

Sanzenin ‘Momiji’ Festival

Sanzenin ‘Momiji’ Festival

Momiji-matsuri (colored maple festival) will start at Sanzen-in Temple in Ohara from tomorrow until November 2 […]

My last weekend

My last weekend

I went to Sennyu-ji Temple, 5 min. walk from Tofuku-ji Station of Keihan line, to see full moon last Saturday. […]

Chi kung Sunday!

Chi kung Sunday!

Emi, who is a friend of mine and an Chi kung instructor, hold a Chi kung workshop in the Imperial Park  tomorr […]

Kyoto Statues’ Park

Kyoto Statues’ Park

Is it “Hakone Chokoku-no-mori” ? Unique statues line in the park. Where is this museum? No!! This […]

Costume collection of Jidai-matsuri

Costume collection of Jidai-matsuri

Jidai-matsuri procession will start on the day after tomorrow. (October 22nd, depart at 12:00, Imperial Palace […]

Hakata weekend!

Hakata weekend!

Last weekend, I stayed in “Hakata” Fukuoka where my parents are living. This trip was a little ser […]

Today’s cycling

Today’s cycling

It was a good day to go cycling. I delivered my magazine (journal Kyoto Francais, many french tourist stay the […]



First Cabin Kyoto-Karasuma Leaving Karasuma St., I turned in a little street called Bukkoji, and found a few m […]

Invitation tickets!!

Invitation tickets!!

Are you enjoying the autumn days? The photo above is that professional gardeners are cutting and fixing the tr […]

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GTK friends' blogs

Do you know Kyoto?
