Urgent! Part time job!
Hi everyone,
Typhoon is gone! Don’t you think today’s sky is that of autumn?
Autumn..my favorite season! balmy and sometimes feel lonely..!
This time I have to notice about the requirement for 4 more foreign residents who speak English!
This is the request from one Japanese company WAK JAPAN, and they are urgently need the persons who work for part time job in October.
Check the list below, and contact WAK JAPAN by this weekend (September 11)
WAK JAPAN Program Offer
We will have an integration program where you can meet with high school students
and we are wondering if you are interested in participating in the program as leaders or
Please read below and email back to us if you would like to apply.
Date: October 14th, 2010 THU
Meeting time: 12:00
Time: 12:30-17:30(5 hours)
Program contents: will be informed later
Provisional meeting place: Kyoto University Katsura Campus
Payment amount : 7000yen for leader ( included transportation to and from the meeting place )
2000yen for sub-leader
The high school profile: Niigata Pref. Minami High School
The number or leaders required : 20 leaders + 2 sub leaders
Att. The transportation fee and entrance fee to temples and shrines
are paid by the Japanese students. You will probably receive a 1day bus
pass and stroll by bus with the students.
Since this program needs lots of leaders, if you have any friends who
are interested in this program, please give us an e-mail, We will
set the date for interview and registration.
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation and we look forward to many replies!
Akiko Otsuki E-mail: HYPERLINK “mailto:field_trip@wakjapan.com” field_trip@wakjapan.com
Phone: 075-212-9993
WAK JAPAN 修学旅行担当デスク/Field trip desk
761 Tenshu-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-0812 Japan
Tel:+81-75-212-9993 Fax:+81-75-212-9994