A Spider Thread
- December 18-2010
- Chikako Takemoto
- Kyoto
Here is the email from Dr. Jonah Salz who has been producing “TTT” -Traditional Theater Training- a chance to experience the traditional Japanese performances such as noh, kyogen, Japanese buyo dance etc. for foreigners.
Now, I am writing to invite you to Version 2.0 of Noho’s latest attempt to fuse high-technology with tradition:
“A Spider’s Web” is based on Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s short-story about the robber and murderer Kandata, and Buddha’s
offer of one last chance at redemption. Buddha is played by Kita school actor Matsui Shunsuke, while a Hell for Hunters
features his father Matsui Akira. The lotuses, demons and sinners and hell, and even the Spider are based on motion-capture
animations taken from Matsui sr. These are projected on flanking screens, while the live actors, including kyogen actor and
Noho co-founder Shigeyama Akira, perform at center. Tuesday, Dec 21st, from 7:40-840p.m. Although the show is entirely in
Japanese, the story is easy to follow, and a bilingual program will be provided.
The show is free! No reservations necessary, at Ryukoku Avanti Kyoto Hall south of Kyoto Station.
The research performance from 740- is preceded by a Seminar (in Japanese) on visions of Heaven and Hell in literature, art, and
Buddhist thinking, from 630p.m.
more detail below