The temples and shrines in Kyoto have been keeping their rituals and events from the olden days.
They are traditional, sacred and a pleasant experience. We'd like to introduce them every month.
They are worth to visit during your stay.
December 8th is the memorial day when the Buddha Shakamuni achieved enlightenment. On both days, radishes will […]
You can enjoy the various tastes of artistic Kyoto cuisine. Events such as a demonstration of Japanese knives […]
Nenbutsu, thinking of the Buddha, is a kind of chant incantation. It is performed everyday during the term. Fu […]
About 5km of the road between Togetsu Bridge and Nison-in Temple in Arashiyama will be illuminated with 2500 l […]
This is the most famous event on New Year’s eve. You can buy a rope, and light it on fire. People bring […]
You may hear the sound of bells ringing for about 15 minutes before midnight at new year. This is called ̶ […]