The temples and shrines in Kyoto have been keeping their rituals and events from the olden days.
They are traditional, sacred and a pleasant experience. We'd like to introduce them every month.
They are worth to visit during your stay.
Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine is famous for a thousand of red Shinto gates to the top of mountain. This shrine i […]
This is one of the big three chanting kyogen spectacle in Kyoto. Seiryo-ji Temple was built in 987 on the foot […]
This shrine enshrines a god of sake. You can enjoy the traditional Shinto dance and music at 10:00. And Kyogen […]
This traditional and exciting performance held at the Mibu-dera Temple’s ground is famous throughout Jap […]
It is a special 5-days when you can enter the palace without your passport and any procedure. This is the best […]
Daigo-ji Temple is the best temple to see cherry trees in the west part of Kyoto City. About 150 people dresse […]
Kamigamo-jnjya Shrine, established in the 7th century, enshrines a god of thunder. Local people worship this s […]
Hirano-jinjya Shrine is famous for having about 400 beautiful cherry trees. You can see a gorgeous procession […]
Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine is famous for a thousand of red Shinto gates to the top of mountain. This shrine i […]
You can see an elegant poetry game by people dressed in traditional Heian period kimono at a beautiful garden […]