The temples and shrines in Kyoto have been keeping their rituals and events from the olden days.
They are traditional, sacred and a pleasant experience. We'd like to introduce them every month.
They are worth to visit during your stay.
This is the commemoration of the Buddha’s death on February 14th. (the lunar calendar) Some Buddhism tem […]
To pray for the safety of children, straw hina dolls are set afloat on the river by women dressed in Heian per […]
You can see a unique Hina display with people dressing up in court costumes, not dolls! Another event, the mik […]
This dance celebrates the famous 8th century poetess, Ono-no-komachi. The dance features young girls in colorf […]
You can enjoy SAKURA viewing from the boat in the Okazaki area, where Heian Shrine and historical museum are l […]