The temples and shrines in Kyoto have been keeping their rituals and events from the olden days.
They are traditional, sacred and a pleasant experience. We'd like to introduce them every month.
They are worth to visit during your stay.
It is May in Kyoto and the cherry blossoms of April have scattered, making way for fresh green leaves to blank […]
Movie: This is a powerful ceremony to purify the route of the Aoi Matsuri procession. A man in traditional cos […]
Saio was a selected woman who served god in ancient times. This ritual is held to purify her role on the strea […]
Two men in traditional costumes riding on horse back compete for the fastest time at the ground of the temple.
An elegant Japanse dance and music are performed in the Tadasu-no-mori forest in front of the gate of Shimogam […]
This is a unique kind of kyogen, which performers wear masks and perform a kind of mime while chanting. It wil […]
On the night of the May full moon, the festival called “Uesaku-sai” is held to pray for the happin […]
People in Imperial costumes on boats play court music, read Japanese poetry, and more at Kurumazaki-jinjya Shr […]