Green tour Kyoto | travel information in JAPAN » Kyoto

Kyoto life Blogs

GTK would like to introduce the real Kyoto life by GTK bloggers. Some of them migrated from their countries
to Kyoto, and want to share how to enjoy the Kyoto life. These blogs are quite useful for visiting Kyoto, and also
for people who hope to live in Japan.

Blog Archives

Sakura in the palace

Sakura in the palace

Hello everyone, Almost cherry blossoms are finished. The season is going to for the new leaves. Finally my fav […]

Next event for hiking!

Next event for hiking!

Hello hikers! Kyoto is getting warm day by day. Spring is almost here! Let us tell you about our next event fo […]

Karuta play for learning the Way of Tea

Karuta play for learning the Way of Tea

What are people in photo above doing? Do you know it? They are playing karuta to know about the Way of Tea, na […]

Tea ceremony

Tea ceremony

I took part in Tea ceremony yesterday. This was the first time for me, actually. To tell the truth, I had not […]

One Saturday afternoon

One Saturday afternoon

What are you doing on weekend in winter? I like to go outside and do some exercise to warm me up. Fortunately […]

Happy New Year 2013!!

Happy New Year 2013!!

Happy New Year everyone! How was your New Year’s holiday? Did you see the first sunrise of the year on t […]

Momiji carpet

Momiji carpet

I visit Koto-in Temple (高桐院) which is the sub temple of Daitoku-ji Temple (大徳寺) last weekend. The reason to ch […]

Autumn beauty 2012

Autumn beauty 2012

I enjoy the colored foliage every autumn. Kyoto is the best place to enjoy them. My favorite scene of photo of […]

Hiking report -Kumogahata

Hiking report -Kumogahata

GTK friends enjoyed hiking last Sunday. The weather was wonderful, mountain was beautiful, people were great! […]

Let’s go hiking!

Let’s go hiking!

Are you enjoy this beautiful weekend? October is the best month to walk, ride a bicycle and hike on the mounta […]

GTK friends' blogs

Do you know Kyoto?
