Ota-jinja Shrine (大田神社)
Ota-jinja Shrine
Ota-jinja Shrine is located in the northern part of Kyoto City close from Kamigamo Shrine. It’s famous for beautiful Japanese irises growing in colonies at the entrance of the shrine. Also you can enjoy a short mountain walk from the back of the shrine. It’s route is well maintained and safe.
Not only the irises but also the way from Kamigamo Shrine is one of the reasons to recommend. The east surrounding of Kamigamo Shrine is called Shake-cho (社家町), literally means the town of the residences for a Shinto priest, and recognized as a traditional building property. The appearance of the residence located along the river looks like a Samurai residence but the parts of inside feature the temple architecture. Approximately 20 residences remain (over 300 in the Edo Era) and some of them open their rooms and gardens to the public.
- Free of charge (¥500 for visiting the residence in Shake-cho)