March 14th ~ 16th
Nehan-e Event
This is the commemoration of the Buddha’s death on February 14th. (the lunar calendar) Some Buddhism temples display the large scrolls, called “Nehan-zu” depicting the Buddha’s passing into Nirvana. They are magnificent and worthy to see.
Shinnyo-do Temple (真如堂)
March 1st ~ April 1st
The brilliant colored and big scroll painted in the 18th century is on display. Japanese crackers called a unique name “hanakuso-arare” are also served. ¥600
Take Kyoto City bus no.5 and get off at Shinnyodo-mae stop
Tofuku-ji Temple (東福寺)
March 14th ~ 16th
This temple’s scroll was painted by the famous Mincho in the Muromachi era. Sweet amazake is also served. Ryogin-an temple in the Tofuku-ji ground is open only during these 3 days. The unique and cool gardens of Ryogin-an designed by Shigemori Mirei are not to be missed. 9:00-15:30 ¥400
Tofukuji Station on JR line
Seiryo-ji Temple (清涼寺)
March 15th
This temple is located in the Saga area, west part of Kyoto City. The famous Saga Kyogen is held at the temple’s ground. (10:00~, free)
10 minutes walk from JR Saga-arashiyama Station
Sennyu-ji Temple (泉涌寺)
March 14th ~ 16:30
Nehan-zu of this temple (16m 18m) is the biggest scroll in Japan depicted in the Edo Era.