Kyoto is a birth place of traditional arts, crafts and performances of Japan, and has been maintaining its tradition with the
coming of the new age. Here GTK'd like to introduce the monthly art highlights, museums, creators etc.
Copyright: 菊花流水文様小袖 <きっかりゅうすいもんようこそで> (前期:京都きもの株式会社) This is an exhibition of kimono called Kosode, which is s […]
Copyright: 赤塚不二夫 The “Akatsuka Fujio Manga University Exhibition” is a project that aims to redisc […]
Copyright: 「見立て瓢箪鯰図」・象牙・和地 一風 Netsuke are special accessories for pilcases or tobacco pouches which are hung f […]
Copyright: 竹久夢二 榛名山賦 竹久夢二伊香保記念館 Takehisa Yumeji (1884-1934) was a popular painter whose works using motifs of […]
Bonsai is one of the world-famous Japanese cultural arts. It is a fine and unique aesthetic sense with which J […]
Copyright: GEORGES SEURAT, The lighthouse at Honfleur, 1886, National Gallery of Art, Washington / Collection […]