The Exhibition of the Sengoku Period – A Century of Dreams
The Sengoku period in Japan for approximately 100 years from the mid 15th century is thought to have been disorganized and disturbed due to successive wars. In recent years, however, it is considered to have been the era that brought cultural and economic prosperity nationwide.
During the period, powerful Daimyo warriors such as Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen strived to manage and strengthen their own countries while fighting. As a result, Kyoto’s matured culture spread throughout nation and eventually it developed with regional culture.
In this exhibition, historical materials describing wars and warriors at that time as well as region produced arts and crafts will be displayed. This is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the remarkable period and powerful people of Japan.
Copyright@ 重要文化財 真如堂縁起 下巻(部分) 掃部助久国/筆 三条西実隆・公助/詞書 外題/後柏原天皇/筆 大永四年(1524)真正極楽寺蔵 ※後期(2017年3月22日~4月16日)展示
Copyright@ 短刀 銘 吉光(号五虎退) 個人蔵 ※前期(2017年2月25日~3月20日)展示
Copyright@ 埼玉県指定有形文化財 縹糸威最上胴丸具足 室町時代 埼玉県立歴史と民俗の博物館蔵
- February 25th ~ April 16th, 10:00-18:00 (~19:30 on Friday. Entry is permitted until 30 minutes before closing.) Closed on Mondays. (open on March 20 and closed on March 21)
- The Museum of Kyoto
- ¥1300/adult, ¥900/college and high school students, ¥500/junior high and elementary school students.