A Retrospective of Balthus
バルテュス《夢見るテレーズ》1938年 油彩、カンヴァス 150x130cm メトロポリタン美術館
Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, 1998 (1999.363.2). Photo: Malcolm Varon.
© The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY
バルテュス《読書するカティア》1968-76年 カゼイン、テンペラ、カンヴァス 179x211cm 個人蔵 Photo: Steve Zane
Balthus (Balthasar Klossowski, 1908-2991) was said to “the last maestro in the 20th century” and his representative works with images of young girls have been fascinated by many peoples around the world. On the other hand, their works were accused as well due to some seductive pose of young girl models. Balthus described his girls in his works “symbolizing an unparalleled perfect beauty”.
This exhibition will display more than 40 oil paintings including, of course, the indoor young girl series, from the collection of Pompidou Centre and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as well as from private collectors. Besides, drawings and the private belongings will be displayed.
The highlight of this exhibition is the reconstruction for the first time the former atelier of Balthus in his Swiss “Grand Chalet” and will introduce the setting behind his artist creation. These wonderful exhibition has been realized thanks to the cooperation of Setsuko Klossowska de Rola, who married Balthus in 1967.
* The invitation tickets for GTK readers are available.
Email to: info@greentour-kyoto.net (please write your name and email address in the text.)
- July 5th ~ September 7th, 9:00-17:00 (entry by 16:30). Closed on Mondays (open on July 21st)
- Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
- ¥1500/adult, ¥1000/university and high school students, ¥500/middle school and elementary school students